Thiourea markets were mixed dull market consolidation continues

Upstream dynamic: Since the weekend, low calcium carbide market rebounded in addition to individual regions outside the overall steady consolidation. Lime nitrogen affected the overall no major changes, Ningxia lime nitrogen prices in 3300-3400 yuan / ton; prices in Shanxi Province at around 3500 yuan / ton.

Thiourea market dynamics: thiourea market downturn, manufacturers of confidence has been the impact of the recent market prices of thiourea was temporarily confused, north and south of varying market conditions, were mixed. At present, although the European debt crisis temporarily eased, but did not show a large domestic market upturn, manufacturers wait and see mood strong, downstream start still lack much in the inquiry, and keep the prices down severely, the actual turnover less. There are currently part of thiourea manufacturers to suspend production due to higher pre-purchase prices of raw materials, the current market decline, the downstream lower prices, manufacturers started facing losses that drove the will is not strong. At present, Shandong mainstream prices at around 12,000 yuan / ton, higher offer there; southern low prices disappear, mainstream prices at 12,300 yuan / ton, the individual prices of the main export manufacturers make about 11,700 yuan / ton.

Zhuo view: two urea started is still insufficient, the industry thiourea bearish market, wait and see, the actual turnover less; upstream lime nitrogen consolidation market price temporarily affected by calcium carbide stabilize the sidelines. Cho Chong believes that the current market unease many factors, thiourea market volatility market will continue.