Hydrogen peroxide market continues to decline

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of the Business Society, from May 15th, bullish factors were digested by the market, resulting in a weakening of terminal demand and a continuous decline in the market. On May 15th, the average market price of hydrogen peroxide was 1033 yuan/ton. On May 23rd, the average market price of hydrogen peroxide was 840 yuan/ton, with a price drop of 18.71%.


Bad news strikes, hydrogen peroxide market continues to decline


In mid May, the favorable factors after the holiday were digested, and the demand for hydrogen peroxide in the market weakened, leading to a decline in the hydrogen peroxide market. As of May 18th, the prices quoted by hydrogen peroxide manufacturers have decreased, with mainstream prices ranging from 900 to 950 yuan/ton, a decrease of 50 to 100 yuan/ton.


On May 23rd, the hydrogen peroxide market continued to decline, with the price of Zhengyuan hydrogen peroxide in Hebei dropping to 770 yuan/ton, Jincheng Petrochemical quoting 730 yuan/ton for hydrogen peroxide, and the average market price of Mingshui hydrogen peroxide was 800 yuan/ton, with an overall decrease of 150-200 yuan/ton.


Li Bing, a chemical analyst at Business Society, believes that the positive factors have been realized, terminal demand is sluggish, and the market for hydrogen peroxide will still weaken in the future.
